We’re scribes for thought leaders.

We help startups, B2B businesses, & VCs discover, develop, and define great marketing content.

We are your newsroom

Partnering with Scribes, we provide you content strategies and production support for op-eds, blogs, and podcasts—helping you optimally share and repurpose your content across the right channels for your audience.


We help you:

1. Discover unique insights.

We quickly uncover opportunities for storytelling through qualitative and quantitative research.

2. Develop great stories.

We create your narrative. On behalf of Fortune 500 executives, our ghostwritten bylines, blogs, and podcasts have appeared in Fast Company, Forbes, Wired, Techcrunch, and more.

3. Define success.

Success is measurable. We implement frameworks and benchmarkers to help iterate and optimize your storytelling to drive maximum results.


We keep great company.